Does Invisalign Work? How Much Does Invisalign Cost In Queensland?

If you want that perfect smile but are not a fan of metal braces – Invisalign is just what you need. Since introducing these clear aligners, over 12 million people, including nearly 3 million teenagers, have used Invisalign aligners to straighten and realign their teeth.

So, if you also have crooked, gapped, or crowded teeth, you can consider this almost invisible solution instead of the conventional braces. But you might be thinking about whether or not Invisalign will work for you; what is the Invisalign cost, and is it worth it? 

Invisalign – A Revolutionary Alternative to Braces

The Invisalign treatment involves using clear or virtually invisible aligners to help straighten and realign your teeth. The material of the aligners is specially-designed BPA-free, medical-grade thermoplastic. 

You’ll have to wear a series of aligners for about 6-18 months to get the dazzling smile you’ll love. Each set of aligners is customised, and you’ll get new aligners every two weeks, which you need to wear for 20-22 hours daily. 

Unlike metal braces, these clear aligners are removable, and you can take them out when eating, drinking, flossing, and brushing. The aligners will shift the teeth into place in a gradual manner throughout your treatment, and the results will be noticeable within six months. 

In this way, Invisalign gives you a better smile with minor discomfort than regular braces.

Does Invisalign Work?

When you wear Invisalign according to the treatment plan suggested by your orthodontist, these clear aligners correct many teeth’ alignment issues. Invisalign can bring about fundamental transformations, but it works best for mild to moderate malocclusion problems.

Invisalign treats the following issues: 

  • Overbite
  • Underbite 
  • Open bite
  • Crowded teeth 
  • Gaps
  • Misalignment
  • Crooked teeth

Invisalign is more appealing to people who avoid orthodontic treatment just because they don’t like the look or feel of metal braces. These nearly invisible and removable aligners work for many issues. 

However, a high level of patient compliance is necessary for Invisalign to work. If you don’t wear the aligners as per the instructions, the teeth will move out of place, disrupting the treatment progress. 

Here are some cases in which Invisalign may not work: 

  • Complex malocclusions: If you have complex alignment issues that require extractions, Invisalign is not a good option. 
  • Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ): Invisalign can exacerbate jaw pain or cause more problems if you have TMJ. 
  • Tooth decay or gum disease: Since aligners make oral hygiene difficult, it could impact the fit of the clear aligners, especially if you have a cavity that needs to be cavity-filled mid-treatment.

So, How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Besides being removable and more comfortable to wear, Invisalign is more hygienic. But Invisalign is more expensive compared to regular metal braces. That’s due to the complexity of making several custom mouthpieces and the adjustments and consultations. 

The cost of Invisalign treatment varies. It depends on the orthodontist, your treatment plan, and the alignment problems; Invisalign starts from $3,000 in Queensland. 

Along with this cost, additional trays and further adjustments might add to the cost of the Invisalign treatment. But you can talk to your dentist and spread out your payments if you’re looking for a cost-effective solution.

Get Invisalign in Queensland 

The team at My Family Dental offers consultation to help determine whether or not Invisalign will work for you. We have a group of experts capable of delivering you the best experience. 

You can contact us anytime to learn more about Invisalign in Queensland. Please make an appointment to talk with our Invisalign dentist about your Invisalign treatment and Invisalign cost. My Family Dental has dental clinics in Emerald, Bowen, Innisfail, Townsville, Ingham and Bohle Plains for your convenience.

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